DHQ Teaching Hospital D.G. Khan Jobs
DHQ Teaching Hospital D.G. Khan, Punjab.
Applications are invited for recruitment from the interested candidates having domicile of Punjab for the following vacant posts/positions Hospital, D.G. Khan on Adhoc Basis for a period of one year. The detail is as under:-
- Senior Registrar Psychiatry (BPS-18)
Qualification & Experience:
i) MBBS or equivalent medical qualifications fully recognized/registered by PM & DC.
ii) Post-graduate qualification FOPS / MD / MRC psych / Diploma of American board in the respective speciality or equivalent medical qualification fully recognized by PM & DC.
iii) Valid registration with PM&DC.
- Blood Transfusion Officer (BPS-17)
Qualification & Experience:
i) MBBS or equivalent medical qualifications fully recognized/registered by PM & DC.
ii) DBT (Diploma in Blood Transfusion) or equivalent medical qualification fully recognized by PM & DC.
iii) Preference will be given to candidate having valid experience.
iv) Valid Registration with PM&DC.
- Pharmacist (BPS-17)
Qualification & Experience:
i) Doctor of Pharmacy from HEC recognized University.
ii) Preference will be given to candidate having valid experience & Higher qualification in the relevant field.
- Nursing Instructor (BPS-17)
Qualification & Experience:
i) Matric with Science from recognized Board.
ii) Diploma of General Nursing & Midwifery course.
iii) MS (Nursing) OR BSN / Post RN (two years) / Generic Nursing (four years) Teaching Experience as ANI two years & Four years as Head Nurse OR Ward Administration & Teaching administration having three years Teaching experience as ANI & five years as Head Nurse.
iv) Preference will be given to the candidate having Government sector experience.
- Public Health Nursing (BPS-16)
Qualification & Experience:
i) Matric with Science from recognized Board.
ii) Diploma of General Nursing & Midwifery course.
iii) BSN / Post RN Generic Nursing having four years experience as Head Nurse OR,
iv) Ward Administration & Teaching administration having five years of experience as Head Nurse. v) Preference will be given to the candidate having Government sector experience.
1. Applicants are directed to apply for above mentioned, posts through online www.jobs.punjab.gov.pk by 15.01.2019.
2. Applications other than online will not be accepted.
3. The Competent Authority reserves the right to reduce or increase the number of posts advertised as well as change / cancel the process of recruitment.
4. Schedule of the interview for selection will be communicated by post to the eligible/shortlisted candidates after scrutiny of the applications.
5. All the candidates should bring original documents at the time of interview.
6. Incomplete applications or received after due date will not be entertained.
7. Shortlisted candidates will be called for interview.
8. Recruitment will be made as per Government policy and other directions issued from time to time on merit basis on the recommendation of the selection committee.
9. Govt. Semi Govt. employees may send their application Through Proper Channel along with NOC. 10. No T.A / D.A will be paid to candidates coming for the interview.
11. Three attested Photographs, two attested copies of all educational certificate including result cards of all professional examination valid PM & DC registration certificate experience certificates Domicile & CNIC must be attested with the application form and be sent to the Medical Superintendent Teaching Hospital, D.G. Khan in addition to online application before the closing date.
12. For every vacancy, the candidate has to apply separately.
13. After selection, the documents will be verified by the concerned authority / Board / University in case of fake documents the job will be terminated and legal action will be taken.
14. The decision of the Selection Committee will be final and will not challenge in any court of law. 15. Applications (on the prescribed form which is available in Admin Branch) should be addressed to the Medical Superintendent Teaching Hospital D.G. Khan and should reach in the office of the Medical Superintendent Teaching Hospital D.G. Khan during office hours up to 15.01.2019.
16. Candidates having Domiciled of Punjab can apply.
17. Dismissed from Service, removed from service, compulsorily retired under the PEEDA Act, 2006 retired under the provision of Section 12 (1) of the PCS Act 1974 retired on account of invalidation under Rule 3.3 of PCS pension rules or retired voluntarily will not be eligible.
DHQ Teaching Hospital D.G. Khan Jobs
Reviewed by Latest Career Pk
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
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